BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT Bandini welcomes back all students and their families to its Back to School Night.
De Regreso a Clases Bandini le extiende una cordial bienvenida de Regreso a Clases a todos los estudiantes y sus familias!
PICTURE DAY IS HERE Picture Day at Bandini will be Thursday, September 19, 2024. Please bring your best smile!
Power School Parent Portal Register to create your Parent Portal. You will be able to access information regarding your child, and at the same time update any information necessary.
Portal para Padres de Power School Registrese para Crear el Portal para Padres de Power School. De esta manera podra accesar informacion sobre su estudiante, y a la vez actualizar informacion necesaria.
JUNTA PARA PADRES DEL ELAC Y EL SSC Le invitamos asistir a estas importantes e informativas juntas para padres. Venga a ser parte del Concilio del Sitio Escolar (SSC) and El Comite de Aprendices de Ingles (ELAC)
SSC & ELAC PARENT MEETINGS Please join us for these very important and informative parent meetings. Come and be part of School Site Council (SSC) and English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Compliance for the 2024-2025 School Year - Resolution No. 4 (2024-2025)