Our School » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Phillip Nolasco, Ed.D.

June 25, 2024


Subject: A Heartfelt Thank You to the Bandini Elementary School Community


Dear Bandini Elementary School Community,


It is with a mix of gratitude and nostalgia that I write this message to you all today. As I reflect on the past five years serving as the principal of Bandini Elementary School, I am filled with appreciation for the opportunity to have been a part of this wonderful community.


Being a part of your lives, contributing to your growth and learning, and working alongside such dedicated teachers and staff members has been an absolute honor and privilege. Each day, I have been inspired by the hard work, creativity, and resilience of our students, the unwavering support of parents and guardians, and the collective spirit of community that thrives within the walls of Bandini Elementary School.


As my journey here comes to a close, I want to express my deepest thanks to each and every one of you for your trust, collaboration, and commitment to the success of our school. It has been a joy to witness the progress and achievements of our students, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of their educational journey.


As I move on to new endeavors, I want to wish all of you continued success, growth, and happiness. May the spirit of community, learning, and support that defines Bandini Elementary School continue to flourish and guide you in all your future endeavors.


Thank you once again for allowing me to be a part of this remarkable community. It has been a truly enriching experience that I will always hold close to my heart.


With warm regards and best wishes,


Phillip Nolasco, Ed.D. 

Former Principal of Bandini Elementary School

"To achieve success, we must embrace the possibility of failure and recognize success lies within the journey of the work and process. The end goal achieved is a result of the dedication to the journey and process."