Contact Information
Bandini Elementary School
2318 Couts Avenue
City of Commerce, CA
City of Commerce, CA
Grades TK - 5th
Ms. Gina Lopez, Principal
Please contact school office to schedule appointment
Noemy Barrera, Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA)
Instructional Coach
Instructional Coach
Cristina Jauregui, School Psychologist
IEP, Psychological Evaluations, Student Interventions
Nicole Levant, School Psychologist
IEP, Psychological Evaluations, Student Interventions
(At School Site only Tuesday and Friday)
Joanne Tuey, Resource Specialist Teacher
Nancy Lucius, Speech and Language Pathologist
Sarah Aguirre, Speech and Language Pathologist
Justin Guerrero, Program Coordinator
After-School All-Stars ELO After School Program